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Zestos: a culture of caring

where needs are met and hope is restored

Zestos: from the Greek, boiling hot; fervor of mind and zeal; to be zealous in the pursuit of good.


More than twelve years ago, at a time when it seemed like more and more struggling people were falling through the cracks, Zestos set out to change the way we think about caring for one another. We set out to build a culture where needs are met and hope is restored. Since then, Zestos has become a crucial link to basic human needs for many. We help people get out of crisis so they can focus on overcoming the obstacles holding them back.


Zestos is a grassroots expression of faith in action that breaks down barriers. Much of our work hinges on three simple principles:

  1. An act of compassion opens doors to grace and healing;

  2. When we put others first, everything changes

  3. Simple things done by caring people do produce eternal results

The Zestos mission: To feed the hungry and seek the lost as we learn to live by the Master’s example of love for one another.


Zestos is committed to fellowship, overcoming suffering by caring for basic human needs, and reaching out to lost souls in the name of Jesus.  We believe that people of every race and ethnicity should have food, clothing, and a variety of basic necessities regardless of their social, economic, or immigration status. Every child should have the things most of us have always taken for, a Bible, a nice warm coat.


This is the practice of tenderhearted mercy and kindness right here at home, right now! 

Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,

you have done it unto me.  Matthew 25:40

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Find us: 

1008 3rd Avenue

PO Box 292

Alton, Iowa 51003

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